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Live Online Course

12 Hours*

Public course meets 2 hours/week for 4 weeks

Private program offerings available

*This course qualifies for professional development credit hours. Learn more here. 


Upcoming public offerings will be listed here



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Course Overview

In this live, online e-course we will deep-dive into the inner work of racial healing. We will investigate how racism operates in us and through us, explore the systemic nature of racial oppression, and develop racial literacy for more effective engagement on this difficult topic. We will incorporate readings from leading racial justice advocates. You will be provided with an e-workbook; you will be asked to purchase your own journal for the course. With successful course completion, you will receive an anti-bias training certificate and the option to earn continuing education units from two organizations offering credits for a modest fee (CEU’s). 


Course Elements
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Weekly Live Sessions 

Participants will engage in deep conceptual learning, interactive exercises, personal reflection, and dedicated small group exploration. Mindfulness, meditation, and a variety of other healing practices will sustain us in our work.


Weekly Ally-Pod Meetings 

Ally-Pods will meet weekly between live sessions. Group members will support each other using guidelines for engaged listening and heart-felt open sharing through this journey of self-discovery, exploration and looking through different lenses.




Selected readings, daily meditation practice and journaling will be encouraged as integral components of this experiential learning.

NOTE: This course is designed to hold a shared container for all of us; it is not an affinity course. To support "affinity-based" work that is conducive to racial healing, affinity time will be held throughout the course, sometimes during our live sessions and sometimes after sessions (optional).


Read your facilitators’ bios here. Discover the power of RHA trainings from past participants' testimonials here. And then join us for this powerful course experience!

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